Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes 123

February 17, 2021

For Karate Kid fans, at least 1 holy shit/goosebump moment per episode. Arguably my favorite show of the year. Season 2 devolves into an over the top, cliche, cheesy CW teen drama that is so predictable it hurts. Every character is worse (Johnny/Danny completely stagnant from s1, Robby less interesting, Miguel disappears for eps, Hawk aka the new Johnny Lawrence just a total unredeemable douche, a dozen side characters we keep seeing but dont even know their names) and every conflict is based on such bad communication you have to turn your brain off to enjoy it. And how do we get the viewer back for season 3? Lets have literally every plot thread end on a cliff hanger! This isn't avengers guys, can we get some semblance of "why the hell did I just watch 10 eps of this"? Yes, the expectations were higher and Peyton List's character was a nice addition along with a fun albeit ridiculous climactic fight scene but ssive let down in every other aspect. Nov 10, 2020 Full of cheese, but great to watch.

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Prima de Andrés Lo mejor de Teresa (1976).... Madre de Aurelia La casa del sur (1975).... Madre de Elena El amor tiene cara de mujer (1973).... Madre de Matilde Referencias [ editar] Enlaces externos [ editar] Blanca Torres en Internet Movie Database (en inglés).

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