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February 17, 2021

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Romance is the stuff of movies today. Soft lights, gentle music and the seduction of someone interesting or alluring. Well, this won't happen for everyone. You might enjoy a movie or read a book to indulge your romantic desires. (Sigh. ) If Your Birthday Is Today Actor Aaron Paul (1979) shares your birthday. You have excellent social skills. You are generous, disciplined and helpful to others. It's your turn for a fun-loving year ahead! You will be more popular and will enjoy warm friendships. You will also be more grateful for your life and will appreciate the everyday happiness and beauty around you. This year is the time for an important choice. Choose wisely.

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Everyone who reads our reporting knows the Geller Report covers the news the media won't. We cannot do our ground-breaking report without your support. We must continue to report on the global jihad and the left's war on freedom. Our readers' contributions make that possible. Geller Report's independent, investigative journalism takes a lot of time, money and hard work to produce. But we do it because we believe our work is critical in the fight for freedom and because it is your fight, too. or Make a monthly commitment to support The Geller Report – choose the option that suits you best.

Two years ago, at the age of 15, I was almost raped. I have already been spit on, kicked, pushed against the elevator, in my own building. I live in a tower block. My dogs have been spit on and kicked when I wasn't looking. Two weeks ago I was sitting in the tram, and a foreigner was standing next to me, pressing his thing against me constantly. The first time I thought to myself, OK, he did it accidentally maybe, but he did it three more times. Then, of course, I told him my opinion. Here's the saddest thing: I published a video about it and what kind of reaction did I get? "You've started a smear campaign", "It's disgusting how you just lump them all together", "JUST because you've had a bad encounter ONCE doesn't mean every foreigner is like that. " Despite having clearly stated my point of view in my post, most of the people who commented just twisted my words any which way they wanted. Article translated by MissPiggy Video Transcript: Boy threatens to slaughter girl for being a Christian.

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Mini-monster. What a repository and of poison and hatred. Ah look, the sign of white supremacy! MINI JIHADI channels her terrorist heroes with a dire warning to "cursed Trump" DECEMBER 12, 2019 Ru-A Tamimi, in addressing the "Cursed Trump" says "We are the children of Yassir Arafat (founder and former leader of the PLO and PA) and Ahmed Yassin (founder of terror group Hamas). " Well-rehearsed Tamimi says: "To Trump and every hate-ridden Zionist claiming he has a right to Palestine, I say: Jerusalem is ours – it was, is, and will remain our capital over the years, and we will not agree to our Jerusalem being defiled (by filthy Jews). " Wanna bet? Have a tip we should know? Your anonymity is NEVER compromised. Email The Truth Must be Told Your contribution supports independent journalism Please take a moment to consider this. Now, more than ever, people are reading Geller Report for news they won't get anywhere else. But advertising revenues have all but disappeared. Google Adsense is the online advertising monopoly and they have banned us.

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