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The implications for clinical assessment and treatment, especially with depressed and cut-off patients, are profound. " - Anne Alvarez, PhD MACP, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist, Tavistock Clinic, London "Panksepp's perspective on the continuity of animal and human minds has not received the attention it deserves. Here are the collected facts and the reasoning behind that compelling view. An indispensable volume. " - Antonio Damasio, author, Self Comes to Mind; David Dornsife Professor of Neuroscience and Director, Brain and Creativity Institute, University of Southern California "Immensely learned, consistently lucid, and truly groundbreaking. This book repeatedly elicited my 'ahhhh, yes. ' For Panksepp and Biven, understanding the evolution of the brain holds the key to solving large-scale mysteries about how the brain works. Thus, they draw upon detailed comparisons of the behavior and functional anatomy in mammals, from rodents to humans. The upshot is a profoundly insightful theory, especially as it explains the complex relation between the subcortical platform of motivations, emotions, and automatic responses, and the evolutionary newcomer―the cortex― whose sophisticated contribution to control, evaluation and knowledge emerges as the brain learns and develops into maturity. "

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- PsycCritiques "Integrative, judicious, creative, welcoming of divergent perspectives, and very accessible, this is a grand synthesis and should be part of every library.... Essential. " - CHOICE "[A]n exhaustive work, covering a neglected and often misunderstood field.... Nowhere else will you really find due diligence done on the non-conscious biases of humans and animals.... [E]ssential reading, not only to us as mind professionals, but to teachers, parents, personal and physical trainers and coaches. Emotions are still everything, and vital to understanding why we are what we are, and why we do and have done, everything in the past and now. An amazing buy. " - Metapsychology Online Reviews "The book will be of special interest to psychiatrists and other mental health professionals, but it is also accessible to students, parents, educators, and animal behaviorists. " - Book News Inc. "This is a highly original and exciting book. The vital distinction between eager anticipation and straightforward pleasure is only one among many of its important findings.

- Patricia Smith Churchland, Professor Emerita, University of California, San Diego "Jaak Panksepp is the most important theorist of mental life that I have read since Freud. The impact of his scientific contributions will be felt for decades to come. His findings―so lucidly introduced in this accessible book with Lucy Biven―herald a new Golden Age. They are almost bound to place 21st-century psychiatry on a whole new foundation. In these pages, the supposed chasm between mind and brain disappears before your eyes, the veil is lifted, and new vistas appear before you. These vistas are the future of the science of the mind. " - Mark Solms, editor of Freud's Complete Works "This book has the capacity to integrate affective neuroscience into the consciousness of not only therapists, but also those interested in understanding depth motivation that sustains or pathologizes our every action and thought. It is a truly pioneering effort. Its deep truths about the origins of mind and feeling, and the implications for altering how we see ourselves over evolutionary time, connected to our fellow social mammals and birds, also has implications for how we treat our fellow travelers on this planet. "

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The entirety of the climate science and meteorological communities have participated in this deception, whether willingly (for a paycheck and a pension), or due to threats like the recent "gag order" placed on all National Weather Service and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration employees by our government. Corporate media has, of course, done all they could to perpetuate the lies and deception, this is what they are paid to do. Global climate engineering is nothing short of weather warfare and biological warfare that has been going on in plain sight for decades. The mounting consequences are becoming all but impossible to keep from public awareness. Countless organizations are discussing geoengineering but not yet openly admitting it has long since been a lethal reality with disastrous and deadly results. The 7 minute video below summarizes the ramifications of the Popular Science Magazine disclosures. We have one way forward, to expose and halt the climate engineering/weather warfare assault.

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This effort will take each and every one of us, make your voice heard. DW

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"[A] successful overview of the affective systems.... [O]f interest not only to basic scientists interested in preclinical modeling but also to clinicians and clinical researchers interested in the neurobiology of addiction, emotional disorders, and novel pharmacological and psychosocial interventions. " - Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease "[W]ill appeal to anyone who seeks to understand the origins of our emotions and the mechanisms that tie our affective experiences to our behaviors. Clinicians and psychotherapists are an obvious potential audience. Panksepp and Biven... contend that an affective neuroscience perspective has a lot to offer to psychiatric research and practice.... [T]his text is accessible to a host of researchers trained in that theoretical tradition, including, but not limited to, the rapidly growing community of evolutionary psychologists across diverse academic disciplines.... [W]ould be appropriate reading for an advanced undergraduate course or a graduate seminar across the many disciplines that are now adopting neuroscientific methods of inquiry to study human psychology and behavior. "

- Stuart Brown, MD, Founder and President, The National Institute for Play Jaak Panksep p, PhD, was the Baily Endowed Chair of Animal Well-Being Science at Washington State University's College of Veterinary Medicine, emeritus Distinguished Professor in the Department of Psychology at Bowling Green State University, and the Head of Northwestern University's Falk Center for Molecular Therapeutics. Lucy Biven trained at the Anna Freud Centre in London, and has served as Head of the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy at the Leicestershire National Health Service in England. She is currently a reader for the Journal of Neuropsychoanalysis.