Beauty And The Beast Italian Mini Series

February 16, 2021

The new live-action Beauty and the Beast has only been out for a couple weeks, yet it's already inspired a new generation's love for the film's characters. As proof, Disney recently shared an adorable video of two kids dressed as a mini Belle and a mini Beast interviewing their grownup counterparts, Emma Watson and Dan Stevens. Dressed in Belle's iconic yellow dress and the Beast's classic blue jacket embroidered with gold, little Olivia and Ted ask the two actors a variety of questions about their experience working on the film, and it's hands-down the cutest interview to ever exist. I mean, just look at Emma and Dan's reactions when they first saw the two of them in costume. YouTube This video is honestly too pure for this planet. You can watch the whole thing below, and Beauty and the Beast in theaters now. This content is imported from YouTube. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. Follow Gina on Twitter.

Mini Belle and the Beast Meeting Adult Belle and the Beast is Too Cute for This World

Do you guys agree? See the same things holding back the experience?

Other greats including The Little Mermaid and Sleeping Beauty are also criticised in the lesson plan, available to download online The rant has been viewed more than 11, 000 times and downloaded more than 600 times but may have been shared many times over again off site. Phil Davies, the Tory MP for Shipley, West Yorkshire. said: 'Parents will be horrified to think that their children are being brainwashed with this politically correct claptrap. 'Most parents send their kids to school to learn about maths, science and history - not to be brainwashed with garbage like this. 'The Government should stop this idiocy and ensure schools teach things that parents expect. ' Chris McGovern, Chairman of the Campaign for Real Education, said: 'These lesson plans represent an ignorant, insidious and covert attack on family values and on the ancient wisdom of fairy tales. 'They are part of a deliberate strategy to pull apart the ties that bind our society together. 'Fairy tales, including the Disney versions, allow children to make sense of the world whilst alerting them to its dangers.

A Department for Education spokesman said: 'Schools are best placed to decide what resources are most appropriate for their children, in consultation with parents. 'There are a range of resources available online but we trust teachers to decide on the best ones to use when developing lessons which are age-appropriate. '

SPOILERS: Let's talk Blood and Wine and how it was almost mediocre : witcher

Warning! Major spoilers ahead! So just finished Blood and Wine and overall it was a great regular industry standards. But for a CDPR game I thought there were a few elements lacking; its just that those few things happen to be important aspects of any witcher experience. -Story: Story was great and the suspense was building like a beautiful soufflé, that was until they revealed that Syanna was the end of the trail. Look, I get it; princess has a secret sibling hidden away, a sort of man-with-the-iron-mask thing, which would be great, if only Syanna's prime motivation hadn't seemed to trivial, it basically boiled down to a 'how dare my sister have something better than me' situation. They could have made it more detrimental, involved a sort of secret uprising in response to the desecration of the chivalric virtues, lead by Synna herself, but instead the final motivation seemed strange, dramatic for drama's sake, and most of all unrelateable. -Pacing: The pacing of the witcher series is greatly tied to location on the game world; if the main quest circles you through the map like the base game quest, then you inevitably end up picking up that contract that's staring at you from the edge of the game world, right near that inn you had to meet so-and-so at for the main story.

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